"Roberto Reef" By Pasta Pantaleo

"Roberto Reef" By Pasta Pantaleo
North America's only living coral barrier reef lies approximately six miles seaward of the Florida Keys in water that are typically fifteen to thirty feet deep. Some considered the reef to be the third longest coral barrier reef in the world, after Australia and the Meso-American reef off Belize.

The great coral reefs of the Florida Keys are the only true coral reefs in the continental waters of the United States. The Florida reef tract, composed of outer reefs and patch reefs, contains over fifty species of corals comprising over eighty percent of all the coral reef species in the Tropical Western Atlantic and over one hundred fifty species of fish.
Read more here: http://reefrelieffounders.com/florida-keys-reefs.html

In honor of The Florida Keys Reef System, Pasta has selected his abstract, "Roberto Reef", as September's Print of the Month. Special pricing available on our website.
More information is available at the gallery in the heart of Islamorada's Morada Way Art District or call 305-906-2158.

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